Monday, May 18, 2009

snow and water

""Can anyone help me with this idea. Sheleg is not always translated as snow but it is under the throne of G-d before creation? Can anyone help me understand what the snow is? This idea is taken from Pirkei derebbi eliezer if anyone wants to look it up
Email me at if you don't wanna post responses here 
Thank you for your insights, but the idea of snow is My question. Why snow and does sheleg acutually have to mean snow. Why does G-d have to use another state of water to create land as oppossed to lets say a huge chunck of carbon or something else? why does he use water, in diffrent states, to create the land that is not water? This is my question, I apolgize for not making it a little clearer.
Chemchops ""

it is my, admittedly limited, understanding that the water and snow discussed here preexist physical matter, certainly atomic matter.. so I don't believe it means H20. 

You have to look at the properties of water to get a feel for what is being discussed. Water has no fixed shape, has no structure, flows to fit whatever container it is placed in, and permeates all aspects of life. In essence, water represents something fluid (and transparent/invisible) here, Perhaps Energy. Whereas snow, would represent something that was fluid but is now fixed yet manifold in permutation, perhaps Matter. 

Snow & Water expresses the interrelated nature of matter and energy that einstein basically hit upon.. perhaps this explains your dilemma.. even if it is not the true extent or depth of what our sages were discussing. ?


Wed Oct 11, 2000 3:50 am

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