Monday, May 18, 2009

relative truth

truth on earth is relative. 
just as the perception of color is relative--my eyes don't see what your eyes see, how can you expect my mind(soul?) to see what your mind(soul?) sees ? 

Both meanings day/age can be seen in the text.. the simplest way to claim such a case is to fall back on relativity of time, and claim it depends on your frame of reference. But there are many other ways to look at it, all of them valid.

The Maharal would say that the heavenly dimension (the 'nivdal' (literally meaning separate) dimension) can make what would normally take eons, only take days.. so that only days passed (according to the laws of nature), despite eons of progress. Just as when Israel battled Amalek and Moses held up his hands, and the sun stayed in the sky far longer than it would normally.. more things were able to happen in a single day than are naturally possible (the Maharal explains that 2-3 days (depending on who's traddition was followed) worth of time spanned the single day in that instance)

Others who understand the cyclicity of time would explain that we are still within the six days of creation, cycling back to the first one at the beginning of every week.. so potentially an infinity of time could pass until we break free and enter into the seventh..and eigth days.

All of them can be correct, all of them can be the truth, all at once. [human truth]

As far as absolute truth, what is actually going on from God's perspective is completely beyond us at all times, it is nothing like the way we see the world.

We can work on trying to ascertain universal truth (something closer to absolute truth) by trying to open as many perspectives as possible to oneself ("Who is he that is wise? he who learns from all (70 permutations of) man"), in other words, attaining wisdom. 

to claim one face of truth is wrong in light of another face of truth would be to deny another's perceptions, which is either foolish or pointless.

Tue Sep 19, 2000 4:44 am

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