Monday, May 18, 2009


while watching a soccer game it occurred to me the following: 

regarding the merkavah in yehezkel perek 1, 
what if the hayyoth haKodesh(holy beasts) were projections of the kiseh haKavod(throne of glory) into one less dimension? This would require four 'light sources' shining upon the kiseh haKavod in order to achieve this effect. now let us say that the kiseh haKavod shines upon the four hayyoth haKodesh.. and each of these is projected into one fewer dimension achieving four 'ophanim'(wheels) one 'beneath' each hayyah. Now.. let's say the lights of the hayyoth haKodesh then are cast upon the ophanim which would then cast a total of sixteen objects of one fewer dimension. (four people, four birds, four grazing animals, four hunting animals ?)

so that in each level of creation, the level above is the illumination, and the level below is that which is projected to form a new creation/projection on the level beneath that.

So that at every level, the two levels above play a part in it's creation. meaning, at the highest level, there are still two levels of removal between creator and created, as paradoxical as that may sound. 

---the extrapolation could be faulty as most of the revellation deals with the world of yetzirah (in my meagre understanding) so there are only 2 worlds above yetzirah that would take a part in it's creation..)

time for a second pass at sefer yetzirah methinx..

Tue Dec 26, 2000 11:07 am

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