Monday, May 18, 2009


the word Lev (heart) has gematriah (gem.) of 32
the word Kavod (glory) has gem. of 26 when it is written chaser (without a wav) and gem. of 32 when it is written maleh (with a wav).
26 is the gem. of the Shem Havayah(tetragramaton).
the word echad (one) has gem. of 13, which is half of 26, implying two for HaShem's presence to be seen. 
the word yachid (single/singular) has gem. of 32.
the letter aleph has gem. of 1, but can be read 'eleph' which means 1000, it also can be said that writing the letter aleph requires a wav and two yuds, the gem. of which is 26. there are also those who say the aleph is made to two wavs and two yuds, making the gem. 32 ..
(the word levad (alone) has gem. of 36 (which is made by combining the word lev with the daleth whose meaning is dal or 'poor'; of course through meditation and seclusion one may open a door (deleth) to HaShem)

just some things to think about..

Sun Dec 17, 2000 3:35 am

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