Monday, July 26, 2010

Spirituality for atheists

Don't worry, be happy. Sound advice, perhaps the best you will get. There's more to it of course, but you aren't likely to get there on generic atheist fare.

In fact most people don't ever realize there is any kind of spirituality that can be had without subscribing to any kind of religious or mystical doctrine.  Not only is there a spirituality beyond belief-systems, but it is a necessary part of healthy human development.

A responsible person makes sure they develop physically, both through healthy eating and exercize, and that they develop intellectually in knowledge, creativity and intelligence.  But there is another kind of development generally overlooked by most non-religious systems of thought. This type of progress is usually considered spiritual progress or the attainment of wisdom.

Wisdom is different than understanding and it is different than knowledge. Developing wisdom is learning to make the best choices not the most correct choices but those that will lead to one's personal success. Learning to act in a way that is at peace with one's surroundings is learning to act wisely. Finding happiness and success in the face of obstacles is to be truly wise.

The only way to have a complete and fulfilling life regardless of any professed or unprofessed belief is to actively nourish and pursue wisdom. 

This is the fundamental cornerstone of any spiritual existence and it transcends any belief system.

Recognize that there is a third pedestal of human development and begin to reach for new heights of humanity.