Wednesday, June 23, 2010

fast earth

A canyon formed over three days:
In the summer of 2002, a week of heavy rains in Central Texas caused Canyon Lake to flood over its spillway and down the Guadalupe River Valley. The waters excavated a 2.2-kilometer-long, 7-meter-deep canyon in the bedrock in just three days, new analysis shows. The finding, says Caltech geologist Michael Lamb, offers useful insight into ancient megafloods, both on Earth and on Mars, and the deep canyons they left behind.
The traditional view of deep river canyons, such as the Grand Canyon, is that they are carved slowly over periods of millions of years. The researchers argue that the rate of erosion in the 2002 flood was rapid because the flood was able to pop out and cart away massive boulders (a process called “plucking”)—producing several 10- to 12-meter-high waterfalls. [Via AllTop]
That's interesting. Seems to imply some of the geological phenomenon that would seem to take eons could happen in a timeline of weeks or months.

Maybe you don't have to be a creationist to believe the world was created in less than billions of years.

Monday, June 21, 2010

toe of God nonsense

An article about the potential Five Faces of Higgs Boson ?

Is it just me or is everyone else convinced Particle Physics today looks like Pre-Keppler Astronomy with all of their Epicycles?

I just had to point that out. Who wants to hazard a guess that whatever system they come up with that replaces the Standard Model will be much closer to something that sounds like what Kabbalah describes on the very basic levels?

Everything Science discusses may be referring to the level of Asiyah [the world of Action] and no higher. [Or it's equally possible we touching on the extremities of the worlds of Yetzirah [Formation] and perhaps even Beriyah.[Creation]]